
Hello and welcome to Escaping Worlds

The idea behind Escaping Worlds is to escape your world, your little bubble to dive into a world of cultural diversity and a conscious way of exploring.

Curiosity and open-mindedness will lead the way to unforgettable travel memories. Even though the first step out of your little world, your comfort zone, is uncomfortable, it is indeed rewarding. And this step does not have to be huge. Discovering new areas of your city is already enlightened.

So, pack your bags, get ready to escape, and come with me on a mind-blowing adventure.

Conscious Traveling

In recent years, sustainability has become more and more important in my daily life. However, I have changed the path of this travel blog from sustainability to consciousness.

Being a mindful traveler means to me to be aware and fully present. It does combine environmental factors and the local community, which also include sustainability. As well as finding the balance between being a traveler and creating content to share. That’s why I love digital detox vacations.

Off-the-beat track exploration

Vacationing at popular destinations was never appeal to me. I love to explore “unpopular” areas, countries, or regions within countries that haven’t been inundated with tourists. Whether it is touring Oslo’s streets to discover the diversity of the city or enjoying the natural sights of the Balkans. Follow my journeys and let’s explore the underrated corners of the globe.

The cultural venture

My favorite part of traveling is meeting all kinds of people from various cultures. I love observing and learning about the lifestyles, customs, beliefs and values of different cultures. There is no better way to understand the worldviews, history and customs of other parts of the world. But also the impact of tourism on the local community, the general socio-political problems of a country, and the advantages and disadvantages of living in a particular region.

My ultimate goal is to help people travel more consciously,
explore off-beaten tracks and experience culture in an authentic way.

I’m Lisi – the face behind Escaping Worlds

My name is Lisi, born and raised in a small village in the Austrian Alps. Even as a child, I was fascinated by leafing through atlases. Foreign countries have always appealed to me. The typical Austrian family beach vacations in Italy or Croatia were soon not enough for me. In my early 20s, after three years of living in Vienna and my degree as a media specialist, I packed my backpack and fulfilled my dream of doing a year abroad. I have spent several months in Tanzania, visited my top bucket list country New Zealand and experienced living in the United States/California.

After returning home and the reverse culture shock, I decided to gain more knowledge and enrolled in university. During the university entrance exams, I could enjoy the advantage of living in the heart of Europe. Some of my wonderful trips were to Prague, Bratislava, Ljubljana or Budapest, Rome, Tuscany, and an extended trip to the Balkans. I’ve also become more conscious of how I travel and how my travels influence the local community, the environment and other traveler’s.

Admire Sweden’s natural beauty

In the summer of 2022, I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Innovation and Management in Tourism at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Now I try to combine my acquired know-how with my love for writing and traveling. My head is full of wonderful writing ideas, travel dreams and the hunger to get to know new cultures. 🤓✌🏼📝

Escape your little bubble with me and discover new cultures, ways of life and other fascinating facts.

Have a look and find unique travel stories, advice and sometimes my humor or spelling mistakes.

Enjoy reading ✌🏼


If you’re a content creator yourself and think our goals match or we can complement each other, let’s get in touch. I’m always looking for ideas and people to collaborate with.

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